Monday, February 23, 2009

God Only Know What I be Without you

My mother is the fucking coolest person alive. For a more detailed story of why please refer back to my second post.
                                                           (I'm not usually that orange.)

Tomorrow is her 54th Birthday. She is so rad and hip and young and beautiful and I can not wait to hug her this weekend. As you may or may not know, the only reason I know shit about shit is thanks to her. She has such a great mind and is so into music and literature and all the beautiful things in life. Two of our favorite songs of all time are on this Album. As I said earlier, Blackbird was my lullaby but as I grew up momma and I started to adopt God only Knows as the anthem of our friendship. I owe everything to this woman and I can imagine loving any person more. My heart is exploding just thinking about how amazing she is.

This is one of her Favorite bands/albums ever. Happy Birthday Mommy. I love you.
Tomorrow, you will get an even better Denise Grier Tribute.
Favorite Sounds- God Only Knows, Wouldn't it be Nice, Here Today


the yellow journalist. said...

pet sounds is my favorite.

the yellow journalist. said...

i'm glad here today is one of your favorite. me too! that bass breakdown gives me chills every time i get to it.

belated, but hope your mum had a great one.